New Spaces and New Faces in Chambersburg, PA 🌱

New Spaces and New Faces in Chambersburg, PA 🌱

Chambersburg Anglican Fellowship (Chamberburg, PA) is thankful to be renting multipurpose space from a local Brethren church on Sunday evenings. The new space has been an answer to prayer and just in time for the colder winter months. The fellowship hosted a Twelfth Night party on January 5, with kids and adults alike taking part in the traditional festivities. We had fun making wassail, singing favorite Christmas carols, and playing games. Along with crowning a queen for the evening, everyone enjoyed Bingo and Sticker Ninja…sneaking red stickers onto others while they weren’t looking! We also welcomed two new households and shared our vision of an Anglican church in Chambersburg. God continues to be present and at work as we continue to faithfully wait and be curious about what He's up to. Enjoy the pictures!

🌱 Read more from our church planters here.


Anglican Prayer Service and March for Life


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