Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Celebrating Graduates at the University of Richmond

by Tee Feyrer

During the last weekend of April, we had the privilege of celebrating and commissioning seniors in our ministry at the University of Richmond. These seniors have been integral to this community over the past four years, so it was very bitter sweet to do this. On Saturday night, we celebrated with our annual End of Year Party. This included a live band performance from our worship team, 15 pounds of smoked pork BBQ from a student, the 3rd annual Golden Burrito ceremony, and of course, a dance party! 

Overall, it was a joy seeing all of our students gathered together before finals and heading out for the summer. It's just a testament to the beautiful community God continues to build among them. 

On Sunday morning, the congregation of Redeemer (Richmond, VA) prayed for the graduating seniors and blessed them as they reached their hands forth at the end of the service. What was particularly amazing for me was seeing the many volunteers that have invested in these students. From host families that have housed students and fed them to Monday night volunteers who came every week to get to know these young men and women intentionally. 

As they prepare to graduate, would you pray for our seniors? That as they finish they would do so very well and take moments to rejoice in all that God has done in an through them. Please also pray for those who are still trying to find jobs or figure out what's next. That God may provide! 

Tee Feyrer and Audrey Cisco co-lead this ministry. Learn more about Redeemer’s ministry partnership with CCO at the University of Richmond.