Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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BE Transformed

Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect”. – Romans 12:2

Michelle Chase, a leader of Love Baltimore (previously Apostles in the City), wants to see Baltimore transformed by the love of Christ. Michelle had a vision of a happy home where kids in Belair-Edison, Baltimore could find a safe place after school and throughout the summer months. In April a house was purchased right across the street from the Brehms Lane Elementary school where she has worked on building relationships with staff, students, and their families through volunteering, leading Good News Clubs, organizing family fun nights, and participating in the Family Student council.  This home “will be a safe place for children and their families to come learn about and experience the radical love of Jesus through play, art, Bible study, counseling, tutoring, and provision.” The name BE Transformed captures the mission, which is to transform lives which will transform the community of Belair-Edison (“BE”).

Michelle explains, “We believe that children are treasured by God and need to be treasured. They deserve to be loved, raised up, taught, and given opportunities. We believe that they are the key to transforming a community that has been traumatized. It is through the healing of these children through the radical love of Jesus within us that generational curses will be broken, that the cycle of abuse will end, and healthy families will arise. We believe that we are transformed by God’s love; therefore, we will transform the world around us.”

If you are interested in getting involved in the life-changing work ahead, please join us for our open house. You can register here.

You can also help furnish the house by purchasing these needed items off the house registry here or donating here.

If you are interested in more information about this ministry or how to be involved, feel free to reach out to Michelle Chase via email.