Back to School with Joy and Enthusiasm for Adult English students and teachers!

by Mona Lindeman

Bishop Chris shared in the September Messenger an emerging vision of God’s outward call to our church and the incredible diversity and unity of God’s people worshiping Him together, reminding us during Hispanic Heritage month of our many brothers and sisters from Hispanic communities.  This vision is already becoming a reality through the ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) program offered at The Falls Church Anglican (TFCA) in Falls Church, VA and several other churches in our diocese. 

The Fall session of the ESOL program at TFCA started again Monday, September 25, with five levels of English classes taught for two hours, two evenings a week through next April. Childcare is provided to make the program more accessible for these dedicated, hardworking adult learners.

We wish we could communicate the joy in our classes as we teach, learn, laugh, and enjoy community.  Our students come from the Middle East, Asia, South America, and Central America with the majority being Spanish speakers from Bolivia and Guatemala. The Beginning Beginners are typically the largest classes and most of these students are busy working long hours and raising families like so many of us.  Sadly, they do not often have the opportunity to interact with people who have grown up in the United States. Because they don’t speak English (yet 😊), they cannot share easily about their lives, their hopes, their challenges.  We have the privilege of letting them feel they are known, seen, and loved. We take their prayer requests, share a Bible lesson and Bible verses, invite them to church (and some come even though they barely understand what is being said) and invite them to our homes. 

One student from Guatemala said this week “I am so blessed to have found this class to help me with my English.”  Of course, she said it in Spanish, so we still have some work to do. But she said it with a huge smile and hugged her teacher as she left. 

Known, seen, and loved into the Kingdom by meeting needs and sharing the Good News.  We hope to be like Jesus.

Mona Lindeman is a long-time (10+ years!) ministry volunteer and ESLOL teacher at the Falls Church Anglican in Falls Church, VA.

Enjoy photos below from the start of this year’s ESOL program!


Building Bridges Toward Extended Family


Two Disaster Response Trip Opportunities