An Invitation to Daily Prayer

Church of the Apostles is providing an opportunity for daily prayer as a community using a variety of times, formats, and platforms. As each church decides how to keep the parish together, it is important to remember the various levels of technological knowledge, access, and level of comfort and provide a variety of options. Here are some examples from the Church of the Apostles (Fairfax, VA) newsletter:


From the e-newsletter:

Beginning this week, we will be coming together online for daily times of prayer, teaching, reflection, and devotion. You'll be able to access these these via our Facebook Page, the Facebook Apostles Community Hub, and on a new section of our website called Daily Prayer. Here's the weekly rundown.

  • Mondays at 8:30am: We'll use the Morning Prayer liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer 2019. Tune in on Facebook Live at 8:30am or watch later on the new Daily Prayer webpage.

  • Tuesdays from 3-4pm: Pray where you are for whatever time you are available during this window. Prayer prompts will be posted on the Daily Prayer webpage.

  • Wednesdays at Noon: Join us for Midday Prayer and a time of teaching at Noon on Facebook Live or watch later on the Daily Prayer webpage.

  • Thursdays at 3pm: Community Bible Reading and journaling through the book of Romans. A video study with journaling prompts will be posted to our Facebook Page and on the Daily Prayer webpage.

  • Fridays at 5pm: Tune in for Evening Prayer on Facebook Live at 5pm or watch later on the Daily Prayer webpage.

Check out the new Daily Prayer page on their website using the link bellow.

Daily Prayer Page

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