Church Planting in the Diocese

Church Planting is central to the mission strategy of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic. Since its founding as a geographic diocese in the Anglican Church in North America, the diocese has consistently devoted itself to planting a thriving network of Anglican churches throughout the Mid-Atlantic region.

A History of Church Planting in the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic (PDF)

As you browse these pages and hear our vision, we pray that God will touch your heart with a desire to join us in this effort by praying, giving, and working to spread theKingdom of God through the planting of new churches

Please contact us with questions or inquiries. Visit our FAQ page.

Who We Are

Our Vision to Plant 50 churches by 2030

Our Track Record

Meet our Leadership Team

What we offer planters

Funding Process

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers.
— Luke 10:2