Treasurer Training
Diocesan training event for Treasurers and Financial Administrators of the churches in our Diocese on August 28, 2021
Presentations in PDF &
Approximate time on video where presentation begins
Q&A (34:00)
Church Financial Distinctives & Common Financial Pitfalls (46:20)
Benevolence Funds (1:14.15)
Q&A (1:20:00)
Selected Provisions of DOMA Constitution & Canons concerning Church Finances (1:25:05)
Financial & Congregational Reports (1:31.47)
Confidentiality, Pledges, Giving, Mail Theft (1:45:09)
Q&A (1:56:33)
Additional Resources (2:08:20)
Closing Words & Prayer (2:14:40)
Bishop John Guernsey, Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic
Gary French: Professional economist, former church administrator, and DOMA Treasurer for all ten years of the life of our diocese
Jim Oakes: Former Senior Warden of Truro Anglican Church, member of Truro Finance Committee for seven years, current member of the DOMA Finance and Standing Committees, Former Chair and acting Executive Director of Five Talents, the international Anglican micro-finance ministry
Phil Rooney: Retired Naval Officer, Treasurer of Church of the Apostles, Fairfax, for 18 years
Lynn Milograno: Former CPA, ten years as DOMA Administrator
We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift. For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man. ~2 Corinthians 8: 20-21