Anglican Doma Anglican Doma

The Mid-Atlantic Messenger - November 2019

“Our recent annual Diocesan Synod was such an encouraging experience, with well over 300 people joining in. I find it heartening that more than half were not official delegates; they came to take advantage of the worship, speakers, mission exhibits, and fellowship that Synod offers. “

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Anglican Doma Anglican Doma

Synod 2019 Invitation

Synod is more than just “business.” It’s a joy-filled opportunity to gather as a diocese for worship, fellowship and spiritual growth. Come and be re-energized and refreshed by the worship, Bible teaching, testimonies and breakout sessions on topics central to our churches’ ministries and mission. In addition, many mission agencies are on hand in the exhibit area, offering us a wide range of resources.

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Anglican Doma Anglican Doma

The Mid-Atlantic Messenger - September 2019

“While we know that walls made by hands cannot contain the Eternal God, as Anglicans we also know that sacred space for the worship of our Lord is tremendously important—whether it is set apart week by week or consecrated for permanent use…”

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Anglican Doma Anglican Doma

The Mid-Atlantic Messenger - August 2019

“The promise of the Scriptures is that one day we will be delivered from the scourge of violence and death. The Messianic age, foretold by Isaiah and echoing throughout the Scriptures, will bring the fulfillment of the Kingdom where there is no pain or grief, where the unrelenting pain we see around us will come to an end in the very presence of God.”

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Anglican Doma Anglican Doma

The Mid-Atlantic Messenger - July 2019

An especially powerful moment came when we heard testimony from the Rev. Anthony Thompson, whose wife, Myra, was one of the victims shot at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC in 2015. Anthony Thompson is a priest of the ACNA in our Diocese of the Southeast of the Reformed Episcopal Church, and it was he who spoke to the shooter, white supremacist Dylann Roof, during Roof’s arraignment, forgiving him and calling upon him to repent and turn to Jesus Christ.

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Anglican Doma Anglican Doma

The Mid-Atlantic Messenger - June 2019

In other words, we don’t know everything in this uncertain life. We don’t know how all things will work out for our families or our career or our health. We don’t know what the future holds for our Church or our nation. We don’t know the answers to so many of our questions. But we know enough. We know enough for salvation.

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Anglican Doma Anglican Doma

The Mid-Atlantic Messenger - April 2019

One highlight (of many): on our second day, we experienced a rare occurrence, something our guide had never seen in his 30 years in Israel. We were in the far south, in the desert region called the Negeb. There had been some rain the night before and, to our utter surprise, normally parched land had turned into a roaring torrent. We immediately thought of Psalm 126, which petitions God for restoration “like streams [or “watercourses”] in the Negeb.” In reading that Psalm, I’d always pictured it as a request for a little stream to be provided to trickle through the desert. But in reality it is

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Anglican Doma Anglican Doma

The Mid-Atlantic Messenger - March 2019

What are the giants in your land today? What is that one thing posing such a huge challenge that it’s just too big to ignore? Giants come in many varieties, shapes and sizes. The common thread is their ability to paralyze us in fear and stop us in our tracks. In those moments, God calls us to remember that the battle belongs to him and the victory is secure.

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Anglican Doma Anglican Doma

The Mid-Atlantic Messenger - February 2019

As a result, I’ve gotten a ringside seat at the workings of the Diocese and its leaders – as I’ve met with the Diocesan staff, the Standing Committee, the Great Commission Committee, and with individual clergy. Organizations tend to have personality traits, just as people do. Here are the personality traits of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic that I’ve discovered:

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Anglican Doma Anglican Doma

The Mid-Atlantic Messenger - January 2019

I’m writing this from the meeting of the College of Bishops of the Anglican Church in North America, being held in blessedly warm Florida. We’ve been worshiping and praying together and doing a lot of the work of our Province, including finalizing the liturgies for the Book of Common Prayer 2019, to be published in time for the 10th anniversary of the ACNA in June.

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Anglican Doma Anglican Doma

The Mid-Atlantic Messenger: 2011 Archives

Read the latest Mid-Atlantic Messenger!

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