Extending God's Hospitality to "Internationals" in Our Neighborhood

God is sovereignly sending people from other nations to our communities, campuses, and churches.  We have the opportunity and obligation, to obey His command to 'love the foreigner' in our midst and extend His hospitality and welcome them.  Strategic and practical ideas based on years of mobilizing the Church for ministry among internationals will be shared, along with relevant resources, including the gift booklet of the Truro International Programs and Services (TIPS) commemorating the first 20 years of the ministry.

Presentation (.pdf)

Leiton Edward Chinn has been mobilizing the Church for International Student Ministry (ISM) since 1977 through various missions and networks and served as President of the North American ISM network and also the first Lausanne Movement Catalyst for ISM. He and Lisa started and directed the ISM ministry (TIPS) of Truro Anglican Church, Fairfax, VA in 1985 and also launched the ISM of a small Anglican congregation near Columbia, SC in 2017. Leiton has written numerous ISM chapters for Diaspora Missiology books. He served on the Board of Trinity School for Ministry specifically to help develop the Stanway Institute for World Mission and Evangelism in the early 90's.  

Lisa Espineli Chinn completed her Masters at Wheaton Graduate School as an international student from the Philippines. She presented the plenary address on ISM at the ACNA 2017 Provincial Assembly at Wheaton College, which birthed the Anglican ISM Network (AISMN) the following day. Lisa served as National Director of ISM for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship from 2000-2014, and has been a Ministry Mentor until her retirement from IVCF in 2022. She pioneered several publications in Christian International Student "Reentry.” She is completing her Anglican "Selah" Spiritual Directors certification course.


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Extending God's Hospitality to International Students