Saturday Morning Prayer

The Rev. Mary Maggard Hays is Canon for Clergy and Congregational Care of our Diocese. She coaches clergy and consults with the vestries and search committees of our churches, particularly those in transition or crisis. She also recently served as Priest-in-Charge of Truro Anglican Church, Fairfax, VA. Earlier in her ministry, she served both All Saints’, Woodbridge, and Truro Church before going on to be Dean of Students and Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology at Trinity School for Ministry and then for 17 years Canon to Archbishop Duncan in the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. She graduated from Smith College (A.B. in religion), Berkeley Divinity School at Yale (M. Div.), and Fuller Theological Seminary (D. Min.), and was ordained in the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut (Deacon, 1983; Priest, 1984).


Did God Assign My Gender? A Theological and Pastoral Consideration of the Gender Movement


Friday Evening Eucharist