Synod 2015 - Listening to God's Direction in Your Life

The ancient practice of spiritual direction provides us with a powerful way to enter into deeper relationship with our Triune God. This session will introduce you to the biblical and historical roots of spiritual direction and will give you an experience of the kind of listening presence that a spiritual director offers. Offered by the faculty of Anam Cara: A School of Spiritual Direction:  

The Rev. Sue Hardman is a priest at Truro Anglican Church and has been a spiritual director for more than 30 years. Desiree Barker is an experienced spiritual director, retreat leader, and teacher; she serves on the staff of the Titus Institute for Church Planting. The Rev. Erin Bair is currently partnering with the Great Commission Committee to offer spiritual direction to DOMA church planters. Hope Foster Britt is a spiritual director, retreat leader, and the founder of Caol Ait, a retreat community in Clifton.  


Synod 2015 -Challenges to Religious Liberty: Practical Tips to Articulate Your Church’s Religious Identity and to Strengthen Your Legal Rights 


Synod 2015 - Church Planting Internships and Residencies