Letter from the Bishop
I commend to you the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic Policy for the Protection of Children.
This thoughtful and comprehensive policy sets forth “best practices” and other requirements and standards for the protection of children in the churches and ministries of our Diocese. It is the cumulative result of the wisdom of experts in this field, as well as legal counsel and youth and children’s ministry directors.
The reasons for such a policy are, unfortunately, manifold. The rates of abuse are horrific, and over 90% of juvenile sex abuse victims know their abuser in some way. Since it is impossible to identify a potential abuser by sight, the Church must intentionally provide our children with boundaries that will protect and nurture them.
Please read this policy carefully. It is vitally important that congregations, missions and mission fellowships follow its requirements and recommendations.
Variances to specific provisions of the policy may be granted by the Bishop or the Standing Committee with the advice and counsel of the Committee on the Protection of Children and the Chancellor of the Diocese.
If you have questions, or to apply for a variance, please contact the Administrator of the Diocese at 703-590-5470.
Faithfully yours in Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Chris Warner