Wilderness Escape - VBS

Virtual VBS was an amazing experience from start to finish!  Using Wilderness Escape VBS (modified from Group Publishing), we provided lists of games and God provided our Children’s Ministry team with just the right people to help us. Please read Andy Campbell’s testimony (who portrayed Moses in a previous in-person VBS...photo above) and be encouraged on how God works and prepares a way for His plans and people!
From July 6-10, we engaged 50-60 children on line each day for about an hour of Bible teaching, worship, skits, Bible memory and sharing. Another 70-80 children and families opted to do VBS on their own at a time that was convenient for them. We provided lists of games and activities children and family could do on their own to reinforce the teaching and just have some fun!  Families sent us photos of their children’s participation which was like manna from heaven.
Here are some testimonies from some of our families:

  •  “I feel like the important Biblical lessons are sinking into our son's heart.  Thank you!!”

  • “Our 5-year-old son really enjoyed VBS.  He's a very busy boy, so I was impressed he stayed engaged -- raising his hands, listening, and singing!”

  • “THANK YOU for making a special week for the kids, bringing the Bible to life.”

Anne Fitzpatrick, Operations Assistant, Children and Family Ministry, The Falls Church Anglican

Following the Footsteps of Moses

20 Feb – 3 Mar 2020

by Andy Campbell

21 Jul 2020

Good morning.  When we think about Egypt, things such as the pyramids, statues, temples, the Nile River and even camels come to mind.  But Egypt is far more significant than any of those individual things.  Egypt has a recorded history that goes back over 5,000 years and is significant in the Bible where it is mentioned over 500 times. Many famous people in the Bible went to Egypt or were even born there – people like: Abram & Sarai who went there looking for food; Joseph who was sold into slavery; Jacob and his family who also went there for food; Aaron, Miriam & Moses who were born there; Jeremiah the prophet & other Israelites who were hiding there from the Babylonians; and Mary, Joseph & Jesus who were hiding from King Herod (photo).  Egypt is a place we should study.

Sometimes, God leads people a certain way or wants them to do certain things.  Some people readily obey – like Noah; the prophet Isaiah; Mary, Mother of Jesus; as well as the disciples James and John.  Others are not so willing – Jonah who tried to run away from God; Gideon who tried to test God; Moses who tried to talk God out of his decision to have him lead the people of Israel out of slavery; and ME!

Last year, my wife signed us up for a tour of Egypt called ‘The Footsteps of Moses.’  I knew the trip would be well led and that we would see a lot of wonderful things.  But I don’t like long plane rides, changing time zones, eating foreign food and going to places that might not be safe.  I DIDN’T WANT TO GO!

God always has a reason for calling people to do things and he had a reason for me to go to Egypt.  Well, we had no problems getting there, we had time to rest, the food was excellent, and we were safe.  More importantly, the Bible came to life to me!  We saw where Pharaoh’s daughter pulled Moses from the Nile River.  We saw where Mary, Joseph and Jesus stayed when they fled from King Herod.  We also saw the ancient capital of Egypt where Moses grew up.  We also saw where some of the Israelite people wound up when they fled from the Babylonians.  Oh, and that was in addition to seeing many statues, temples, pyramids, and tombs of ancient Egypt.  We even rode on camels!

While all that was interesting, I think God had a more important reason for me going than just a wonderful vacation trip.  This year’s theme for Vacation Bible School was “Wilderness Escape.”  It was all about how God rescued his people, the Israelites, from slavery.  It showed how much he cares for his people and why his people should trust him.  Well, I was asked to portray Moses in 5 lessons over the week of VBS. 

God had chosen Moses to serve him since he was born.  His parents knew he was special and kept him safe from Pharaoh’s police – he even grew up in Pharaoh’s palace where he would have been well educated and learned to speak Egyptian.  He may have served in the Egyptian Army where he would have learned how to fight.  When he was 40, he had to leave Egypt and lived as a shepherd in the desert for 40 more years.  Those experiences would serve him well when God called him to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go and then leading them in the wilderness for 40 more years – like a very large herd of sheep!

The trip in February gave me a lot of insight and knowledge into how Moses related to God and the people of God.  I got to see the wilderness of Egypt as well as glimpses of the power that the Pharaohs once had but is now gone.  I also saw proof of many truths in the Bible – things true in Bible times and still true today.  God used the trip to prepare me to help with VBS!

The trip was certainly educational, and it helped me understand several Bible stories much better.  In addition, I had three favorite activities while we were there were:  giving fist bumps to some Egyptian kids in a large marketplace or bazaar in Cairo; riding a camel at the pyramids and taking a river boat trip on the Nile River.

God uses all sorts of experiences to help us serve him – just like he prepared Moses over a lifetime to serve him.  I enjoy helping with Children’s Ministry as I think it is what God has called me to do.  As he has called me, he has given me experiences and reasons to trust him in that service.  I love teaching children and appreciate what they, in turn, teach me through their faith, prayers, comments, questions and insight.

I have learned to be open to God’s leading and to run to it rather than away from it.

I would like to close our time by sharing with you a blessing spoken by Moses.  “The Lord bless you and keep you.  The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you.  The Lord turn his face toward you and you his peace.” Amen.


Spiritual Formation Journey


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