Vocational Deacon Day

On Sat., March 2, at All Saints’ Church in Woodbridge, VA, Bishop Christopher Warner (Bishop Chris) hosted his first Vocational Deacon’s Day with the Vocational Deacon’s of the Diocese, an event that was previously rescheduled due to sickness. It was a day of blessing for twelve Deacons who attended; a time of sharing, listening, encouraging, and prayer for our Vocational Deacons from across our Diocese. Now, as our Diocese is a rich blend of believers, some of whom have never previously encountered a Deacon, let’s consider for a moment who the Deacon is and what their ministries are within our churches.

A Deacon is a member of the oldest order of vocational ministry extant in our churches today, predating even our Bishops and Priests. Early in the history of the Church as it was growing explosively and the Apostles discerned the need to identify and appoint seven individuals who would ostensibly be engaged in what would become congregational care. This remains an integral component of the ministry of our contemporary Deacons. 

Today we’ll see our Deacons on Sundays proclaiming the Gospel, leading the assembled in corporate prayer, setting the Altar for the Eucharistic Liturgy, and bidding the dismissal, these Deacons are engaged in a range of ministry that centers around congregational care, religious education, group facilitation, and visiting the sick and homebound members of our congregations. In describing their ministry, Ormond Pater spoke of the Deacon as the “One who stands at the doorway, between the Church and the World.”

At their Ordination, our Deacons receive this exhortation from the Bishop (from the Book of Common Prayer):

It belongs to the office of a Deacon to share in the humility and service of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the strengthening of the Church, which is his body. You are to read the Gospel and proclaim Christ at all times through your service, to instruct both young and old in the Catechism, and, at the direction of the Bishop or Priest, to baptize and preach.

You are to assist the Priest in public worship, to guide the intercessions of the Congregation, to aid in the administration of Holy Communion, and to carry the Sacrament to those who are kept from the Table by illness, infirmity, or imprisonment.

 Furthermore, you are to interpret to the Church the needs, concerns, and hopes of the world. It is the Deacon’s office to encourage and equip the household of God to care for the stranger, to embrace the poor and helpless, and to seek them out, so that they may be relieved.

Your Pastor or Deacon will be happy to have a conversation if you’d like additional information or discuss a possible calling to the Diaconate.


Andy Terry is a DOMA Vocational Deacon who was ordained in 2009, and has been on the team with All Saints’ Anglican Church since 2013.


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