Update from Frederick Anglican Fellowship

Frederick Anglican Fellowship continues to move forward. Our little, lay-led community is growing! By our December 4 Morning Prayer service, we had several new folks either come or contact us about getting involved. We continue to be a multi-generational group. In fact, the first baby has now been born!

Our first gathering of 2023 was a Twelfth Night Eve event at the home of Greg and Karen Strong on January 4. This was a fun, informal evening to get better acquainted over food and drinks, concluding with a brief Evening Prayer service.

We’re so thankful for God’s faithfulness and for the encouragement and counsel of Fr. Justin Clemente at New Creation Anglican (Hagerstown, Maryland) and others in the diocese.

We ask for your prayers as we continue to work with Tuck Bartholomew to seek a priest who is called and equipped by God for this church plant. Also we need the Lord’s guidance as we explore the possibility of sharing worship space in another church, since we are a long way from being able to have our own church building. If you know anyone who may be interested in Frederick Anglican Fellowship, please encourage them to contact us via email. We look for God to do amazing things in 2023.


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