Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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St. Pat's Beer, the Wine of Joy & the Gospel of Peace

New Creation Church in Hagerstown, MD had a full and robust team at the Interstate St. Pat’s Beer Fest, while The Rev. Justin Clemente and a volunteer held down the fort at the Wine Fest earlier this summer.

Fr. Justin writes:

I thank the Lord for all those who gave their time to our ministry on these days. Here are my four takeaways from the events:

1) Wine drinkers are way more chill than beer drinkers. Seriously.

2) There are a lot of scattered sheep. Some are mad at the church. Some are mad at God. Some are confused. Some are out of fellowship from COVID. All of them need to deal with their need for repentance and all of them need to be beckoned to come back under faithful shepherding in the Body of Christ. That call went out in our ministry!

3) We received a warm welcome at both events. The folks who were thankful to see us there far outweighed those who weren’t.

4) We got the gospel into a lot of hands. We gave away tons of resources, either free or at cost. Hundreds of handouts on the good news proclaimed by Patrick and the good news of the Wedding at Cana were given out.

Now, let us pray to the Lord of Harvest for good fruit from good seed!

– Fr. Justin

The Rev. Justin Clemente – Founding Planter & Parish Priest of New Creation Church in Hagerstown, MD.