International Play Music on the Porch Day
by Eric Hornbuckle
On August 27, St. Thomas Anglican Church, Gainesville, VA, celebrated International Play Music on the Porch Day. St. Thomas has several gifted musicians, and we have a porch. It was a match made in heaven. In fact, music is God’s idea! So, to spend the afternoon playing music, glorifying the Lord who gave us this gift, was precious. Folks from our community came out to join this wonderful event, and next year more will come. Whether you have a “proper” porch, or just a front lawn, mark your calendar for next summer, and keep your eyes on the day. It’s a great way to bridge the gulf between the church and the world, and show them how we delight in God’s gracious gift of music—just like they do.
The Rev. Eric Hornbuckle is the Rector of St. Thomas Anglican Church in Gainesville, VA.