May Update from Frederick Anglican Fellowship

May 23, 2023

 It’s been just a year since a few lay leaders with a vision for an Anglican church in Frederick, Maryland, attended the Always Forward Church Planting Intensive training in Baltimore. Since then, Frederick Anglican Fellowship has become a small but vibrant community of folks committed to an Anglican church in Frederick. We sprang up in an unusual way—as a lay-led group in search of a church planter. If you know of a priest who is gifted and interested in leading the Frederick church plant, please direct them to Tuck Bartholomew, DOMA’s Canon for Church Planting. We are praying earnestly for the clergy leader God will use to more fully establish this church plant.

Frederick Anglican Fellowship began meeting monthly in October 2022 for  lay-led Morning Prayer. We have continued to worship together on the first Sunday of every month since then. Our summer schedule started with lay-led Morning Prayer on May 7. We are really looking forward to a Holy Eucharist service on June 4, led by visiting priest Patrick Cunningham from Church of the Resurrection in Lutherville, Maryland. We’ll have Morning Prayer on July 2, then Holy Eucharist again on August 6, led by Fr. Mitch Baker, visiting from Church of the Ascension in Ranson, West Virginia. We are blessed by the assistance of these parishes and priests.

Between monthly services, we have enjoyed fellowship events and a Lenten class on Holy Communion. This summer, we are planning mid-month “Summer Sunday Fun-Days.” The first one kicked off on Sunday afternoon, May 21, with a cook-out picnic at Othello Regional Park. The food was great, and it was wonderful to be together in this way. The evening included time for the core team to answer questions about Frederick Anglican Fellowship and its future, and a time of prayer.

Please PRAY with us . . .

  • for the right priest to lead the Frederick church plant in accord with God’s timing (but soon, Lord willing);

  • in thanksgiving for the wonderful community of people who are part of Frederick Anglican Fellowship;

  • for a good place in Frederick to meet that will be right for us during this stage in the life of our fellowship, and will meet the needs of our children as well as adults; and

  • that we may continue to be faithful disciples who shine with the light of Christ in Frederick.


Protection of Children Training Opportunities


A Letter from Bishop Chris (June 2023A)