Living Mission: Synod 2024

You are invited to the annual Synod of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic. Synod is more than a business meeting. Synod is a joy-filled opportunity to gather as a Diocese for worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth. Come and be reenergized and refreshed by the worship, bible teaching, testimonies and breakout sessions. In addition, many ministries are on hand in the exhibit area, offering us a wide range of resources. Everyone is invited, so plan to come!

The Power of One: Activating The Congregation To Live Out Jesus’ Mission

Please come Friday, November 15 to the Synod Seminar from 2-5 p.m., as Daryl Cripe helps us explore practical ways each of us can activate mission in our own lives and help move our congregations in faithful engagement with the communities they're in.


A Letter from Bishop Chris (September 2024B)


Healing Service