Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Learning Intimacy in a Lonely World

Church of the Messiah in Chesapeake, VA, just completed a three-week series of sermons and workshops covering topics such as true intimacy, how to form deeper friendships, and guidance for close relationships such as marriage.

You are invited to watch or listen to the sermons and share with others who may need a reminder that they are not alone.

You do not have to be alone to be lonely. Loneliness means we do not feel truly known, seen, or understood. An epidemic of loneliness was reported years ago and has only been exacerbated by social media, political division, and the pandemic. 

Apart from Christ, we all experience deep loneliness; and even as believers we can fail to experience the richness of relationship God intends for us. The great news is that God’s word speaks to the issue of loneliness! We can grow healthy relationships and find true intimacy in our friendships, families, and the church.