College Students: Summer FOMO vs FOBO

It’s no secret that FOMO stands for Fear of Missing Out. But FOBO seems to have locked many COVID generation college students out of doing things. FOBO means “Fear Of Better Options.” When FOBO crowds out FOMO, things tend to get boring. Yes, you might miss a Better Option. More likely you’ll end up with a whole summer of basement Instagram and working at the car wash blues. But if you’re serious about following Jesus and want to follow him together with other college students like you, take a look at this.

Is Josiah Project the “Better Option” you’ve been waiting for? 

Rock the World unleashes waves of young leaders whose radical pursuit of Jesus will impact the world for the Kingdom of God. “College students are uniquely positioned to influence the world for Jesus—not only during the Josiah Project, but for years to come,” notes Rock the World Executive Director and Founder Whis Hays. Well over 80% of Josiah Project participants over the past 30+ years continue in positions of Christian leadership today.

One month remains for applying to 2024’s Josiah Project. The window closes on April 20.

Did we just give you and your friends a serious case of FOMO? 


The Way of the Cross Throughout the Diocese


Registration for Camp Booyah is Open!!