Hope for the Unreached
Written By Anglican Doma
Hope for the Unreached
Written By Anglican Doma
AFM Pre-Conference, Sept. 15 (8:30 a.m.) - Sept. 17 (12:30 p.m.), 2025
Ridgecrest Conference Center, Black Mountain, NC
Jim Henry Auditorium
Taking place before the New Wineskins Conference (Sept. 17-20, 2025)
Come hear Anglican Frontier Missions’ cross-cultural workers (CCWs) share stories of the Father’s faithfulness and the Spirit’s miraculous movements in countries considered “closed” to Christian missions. Participants will have ample opportunity to fellowship with AFM CCWs, board members, and staff. In addition, Bishop Steve Breedlove and Sally Breedlove, from the Diocese of Christ our Hope, will offer teaching on effective intercessory prayer.