Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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God is Building a Church to the Praise of His Glory!

As a new Mission, we rely on a network of people beyond our core team who faithfully pray for us and give financially to support the work of this Mission. It is exciting to see what God does with the gifts people give! Every 2-3 months, I (Morgan+) send out an update letter to my personal support team and it is a helpful opportunity to reflect back on God's faithfulness. Lent, Holy Week, and Eastertide were very encouraging this year and as we continue to move forward in discipleship programing and organizational growth, I thought it might be helpful to share with the Diocese how God is building a church to the praise of His glory south of the Beltway. Because it was my personal support raising letter, I'll also add one encouraging addition that I forgot to mention in the letter: Fr. Ryan Bettwy, our curate will be raising support to move from being a non-stipendiary Curate, to becoming a part-time Curate with us. This has been a long process of discernment, a challenge he is ready to take on, and something I am very excited about for him and for our church!

If you want to receive regular updates and support us in prayer and/or financially, please send me an email with your name and email address and I'll add you to the list. Read the entire update here. If you would like to give financially, the Diocese has a direct link to give to Corpus Christi Anglican Church available here.