Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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DOMA Serves at Provincial Assembly

In addition to acting as delegates to Provincial Assembly, many from the Diocese played other important roles in making the event work seamlessly. Thank you for your service. It truly takes a large group of willing volunteers with a wide range of gifts to make an event as large and beautiful as Provincial Assembly happen. We are so grateful for you.

Heather Adams: Registration, Greeter

The Rev. Jim Beavers: Photographer

Louise Brooks: Reader @ Wednesday Morning Prayer

The Rev. David Drake: Led Morning Prayer on Wednesday 

Lesley Hackman: Verger @ Wed & Fri Eucharist Services

The Rev. David Hanke: Led Morning Prayer on Tuesday

The Rev. Tim Howe: Registration, Greeter

The Rev. Jessica Lee: Led Morning Prayer on Wednesday

Lydia Marshall: Presentation of the Sacraments @ Wednesday Eucharist

Lynn Milograno: Registration, Greeter

Reilly Pachecano: Crucifer @ Wednesday Eucharist

The Rev. Dr. Morgan Reed:  Sub Deacon @ Wednesday Eucharist

Heidi Reichert: Communications, Greeter

Betsy Sharrett: Intercessor

Albert Thompson: Lay Reader @ Wednesday Eucharist

Carol Updike: Intercessor 

Worship Team from Resurrection Baltimore, led by Stephen Holmes