Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Church Resources for COVID-19

Dear Diocesan and Church Leaders of the ACNA,

These are daunting times. Although this virus and its health, economic, and societal challenges present us vast obstacles to overcome, we are not afraid. Rather, we are going to be prepared.

On behalf of Archbishop Foley, I am writing to let you know that he and I have asked both Canon David Roseberry and Canon Phil Ashey to collect, create, and curate resources from around the church to help all of our congregations through this time. Canon Roseberry will use the Anglican Compass as a major communications hub of encouragement, resources, and information, and Canon Ashey serves at the American Anglican Council as a similar hub. These two great leaders also coordinate together.

We are actively working with our other initiative leaders as well. Let it be said of the Anglican Church in North America that this was our finest hour as we serve well our people and the people of our communities. That is a great reminder of truth from the Lord Jesus,

“I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18

We want to serve you and encourage you to remain strong and courageous. Our strength is not in our wisdom, but in the knowledge that God keeps his promises to his people. No matter what happens, he goes through it with us. In this time of anxiety, panic, and fear, the church is growing. People are seeking. They are showing up on online services. They are devouring anything that can give them hope.

Please visit the Anglican Compass and the American Anglican Council to be sure you are signed up as a subscriber. There will be invaluable resources to serve our Province.

Also, Canon Roseberry is hosting a Zoom Webinar on Online Services in Holy Week and Easter to share some of the best practices and thinking from around the Province. Please click here to register for that Zoom Webinar on Tuesday, March 31.

Please know we are here to serve in any way possible. Let us know how we can help.

All the very best to you in Christ Jesus,
The Rev. Canon Alan J Hawkins
Chief Operating Officer
Anglican Church in North America