Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Christ Church Accokeek Celebrates 325 Years!

by Brian Vander Wel

Retired Archbishop of the ACNA, The Right Rev. Robert W. Duncan, celebrated and preached at Christ Church Accokeek on May 14, 2023 as we observed the 325th anniversary of our founding. As he mentioned, 325 is a lot of years! For perspective, he mentioned the following: 1698 was during the reign of William and Mary (Mary having died four years earlier), the year the Church of England founded its first missionary society (the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge), the year White Hall Palace burned to the ground, the year the king gave a general amnesty to pirates and notably for Father Brian, the year that Peter the Great of Russian instituted a beard tax.

At the announcements, Father Brian also noted that 1698 was the year that the modern day clarinet and the piano (or piano-forte, as it was called) were invented. And that in 1698, J.S. Bach was only 13 years old and that the future President, George Washington, was more than thirty years away from being a twinkle in his parents' eyes.

The Archbishop emphasized in his sermon from the gospel of John chapter 15 that fruitfulness is the measure of faithfulness. This comes as we abide in Jesus, as we remember that we are branches and as we love. The morning also included three baptisms, a splendid coffee hour, flowers for all mothers and a question and answer session.

Christ Church Accokeek praises God for his faithfulness to us through the three and one quarter centuries!

The. Rev. Brian Vander Well is the Rector of Christ Church in Accokeek, MD.

Enjoy a few photos from the celebration below by photographer John Ruth. See the full gallery here.

In addition, Fr. Brian shared this word of history, explanation , and pastoral encouragement with the congregation:

On May 16, 1698, members of St. John’s parish in Broad Creek formally established Christ Church Accokeek as a “Chapel of Ease” in the Piscataway parish of the English colony of Maryland. Nearly 325 years later, we observe and celebrate our unbroken connection with them and with all who have called Christ Church their spiritual home. We continue to be blessed by that beginning and the continuous stewardship of this place. While any given church is never less than its physical property, it is always much, much more. As one Orthodox writer puts it, “The Church is not so much an organization with mystery as it is a mystery with organization.” To be sure, our heritage is physical: we are the people of Christ Church in Accokeek. Fundamentally, though, our heritage is spiritual. We have been handed what was itself received: “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3). This is the ultimate vibrancy and essence of Christ Church Accokeek. It is Jesus Christ, the Son of God – crucified! resurrected! ascended! – who makes us who we are.

It seems especially fitting to celebrate these things on Mother’s Day. Why? Because throughout the scriptures and history of the people of God, the Church is presented to us as one who is like our mothers. Put a different way, mothers are the mirror that reflect back to us what it means for us to belong to the Church. The Church gives birth to us in baptism and faith. She nourishes and nurtures us in Christ. She trains us, consoles us and loves us as she has herself been loved by her betrothed, Jesus Christ. One great theologian, bishop and martyr St. Cyprian of Carthage (d. 258), put it this way, “No one can have God for his Father, who does not have the Church for his mother.”

Through the call of Abraham and the 2000-year history of the people of Israel, through God’s decisive reordering of this broken, sin-sick world in the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the first disciples on the day of Pentecost, God commissioned the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church to draw all people into her life, that all people everywhere might receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Christ Church Accokeek has had an important place in this drama. By God’s grace, Christ Church continues in this life-saving mission. May God give us His grace to embody and receive this mission. May we give thanks to God for this great and glorious day!

Below is a copy of the printed gift offered at the celebration. You are invited to print this PDF file and keep copy for yourself.