Resurrection Celebrates:  7 baptisms + 4 renewals

On Wednesday, Sept. 6, Resurrection (Emporia, VA) celebrated seven baptisms and four renewal of vows in an evening service at Lake Gaston. The Rev. Harry Zeiders poured the oil of exorcism onto the candidates' heads, allowing it to trickle down their faces before the immersions, and then sealed them with an anointing balm afterward. Preparing for such an event looks quite different than preparing ushers for a special service on a Sunday morning. Enjoy photos from the event and photos preparing for the gathering below.

Join us in prayer for those who have embraced faith anew and for those who are newly baptized:

Almighty and everliving God, we beseech you to strengthen these your servants for witness and ministry through the power of your Holy Spirit. Daily increase in them your manifold virtues of grace: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and true godliness, and the spirit of holy fear, now and for ever. Amen.  (BCP, 2019)


Introducing Our Canon to the Ordinary: The Rev. Greg Hampton


Abortion Recovery