Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Trinity Burke Church Plant: A logo, a website, a shower!

First, this past spring, Truro committed to planting a new church in Burke, with the Rev. Mike Seawright as planting priest. Trinity Burke now has a website, branding, and a meeting space. God willing, they are planning for an Oct. 15 launch date for public worship. Read more from Mike here.

Next, Mike invites you to a church plant “baby” shower!

It takes the church to plant a church. Multiplication is in the DNA of Jesus's church, traced all the way back to Jesus's earthly ministry and the Holy Spirit empowered growth of the church in the book of Acts. It's who we are and what we do: we give and grow, send and go, that disciples might be made of all nations -- in our neighborhoods, cities, and to the ends of the earth. We're not meant to do it alone, and I am so grateful for the incredible support of a sending church that we love, a diocese that believes in starting new churches for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and friends and launch team members who believe risks are worth taking that many might know Jesus. Your prayers have brought us this far, and I believe that Jesus always finishes what he starts. But we've now come to the part of the adventure where the tangible generosity of God's people is necessary to move into the next season.

In this registry, you'll see some of the physical items necessary for public worship. Some are exceptionally practical, while others are invaluable aids for Anglican worship. Some items cost around the price of a burger, while others approach the price of a mortgage payment (or more -- like a trailer to hold everything necessary for Sunday worship). I know God's economy doesn't work like the world's economy, and I've experienced the generosity of His people over and over again in my own life and ministry. I'm trusting that He'll provide again. Would you prayerfully consider how you might participate and partner in this work above and beyond your normal giving?

With this registry catalog, you'll have the opportunity to give towards specific items. All gifts will be tax deductible, and we'll update the online registry as gifts come in. Any general gifts will go towards our first-year budget, helping to make disciples in Burke and the surrounding neighborhoods.

To God be the Glory!

Your friend in Christ,
Rev. Mike Seawright
Church Planting Pastor
Trinity Church, Burke