Five Ways to Love and Reach Your Community

By Tom Herrick

We  take an in-depth look at five different approaches to evangelism, focusing on various strategies for using each style, hear stories of how this style has been employed by churches in our diocese, learn practical tools for applying each style in your local context, and learn how to build an evangelistic culture in your church.  We share a light dinner following the sessions, during which leaders will group according to the mode or style of evangelism they are most interested in for their own context. 

Canon Tom Herrick and the Rev. Jay Baylor and guests. The Rev. Tom Herrick serves as the diocesan Canon for Church Planting. He is the executive director of the Titus Institute for Church Planting and serves on the provincial church planting leadership team for the Anglican Church in North America. 

The Rev. Jay Baylor is planting a multi-ethnic church in East Baltimore called Church of the Apostles in the City with ministry partner, Pastor Carletta Wright. Jay has twenty years of ministry experience as a house church pastor, youth and young adult pastor and as a Young Life area director. 

Listen to all the talks here.

Matt Hemsley (Truro Anglican Church) 

Patti Brown (The LAMB Center)

Meredith Brown and Elden Stoffel (The Falls Church Anglican)

Joe Acanfora and Anita Aberley (Church of the Apostles)

Jay Baylor and AC (Apostles in the City)

Clancy Nixon (Church of the Holy Spirit)

The Rev. Canon Tom Herrick, D.Min., is Canon for Church Planting for the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic and chair of the Great Commission Committee.  


How do we reach out in our culture today?


Learning to think and act missionally: How effective structures empower mission