Clergy Financial Wellness Initiative
The Clergy Support Fund of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic is designed to help our clergy with specific financial needs: either in times of hardship or in times of professional growth. The fund can also be used for positive opportunities for development, restoration, and growth. Read more in the handbook here.
As a participant in the ACNA Clergy Financial Wellness Initiative, our diocese is excited to be able to offer our clergy the following resources:

Clergy Support Fund
Clergy Support Fund providing direct financial assistance to DOMA clergy in the kind of help that they need when the difficult seasons of life come along. Galatians 6:2 says:
“Bear one another’s burdens,
and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
By providing a clergy support fund we aim, as a diocese, to reduce the economic challenges our clergy face. As the clergy help to bear the burdens for their churches, so our diocese seeks to help bear the burdens with our clergy.
To apply for financial assistance, click here.
Financial Wellness Cohorts
Financial training and community is now available for clergy in our new Financial Wellness Cohorts. Starting in late 2025, each cohort offers a year-long program of financial learning in community for pastors. These cohorts will help clergy and ordinands grow in financial competence, holiness, and leadership. If you are interested in participating in a cohort, let us know:

REsource Library
A financial resource library for clergy on the provincial website. (Link coming soon.)
Financial Coaches
Please take advantage of this ACNA-approved financial coaches for clergy (List coming soon.)