Online Clergy Directory
We have created an online clergy directory. The directory will provide you with the names, spouses, children, and contact information for all the clergy in the diocese. This is accessible by logging into “Engage” using the email address to which you receive correspondence from the Diocese.
Below are the instructions for how to log in and access the directory.
Using your phone or computer browser:
Log into Engage for Clergy Directory
Go to this website:
If you have paid through the Diocesan website for a background check or have made a donation, you already have an Engage account. Otherwise, click on “create account.”
Use your email address to log in or to create an account
Update your profile if needed (add a photo!)
Click on “my groups”
Search for clergy info
Let us know if you would like anything added/edited in your directory posting that you are unable to edit yourself.
Video instructions:
Create account:
Search for a group member:
Create a shortcut on your phone to make it work like an app: