Section 5: The Bishop We Seek

Excerpts from the Constitution: The Bishop

The Constitution of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic addresses the role of the Bishop.

Article III
Order, Governance, and Discipline

The Diocese is composed of Congregations, Missions, and clergy, united by a Bishop. The order, governance, and discipline of the Diocese shall be vested in the Bishop as the Ecclesiastical Authority, the Standing Committee, the Synod, the Executive Committee, if one be established, and the Ecclesiastical Trial Court of the Diocese in conformity with this Constitution.

Article VI
Office of the Bishop:

Section 1. The Calling to the Episcopate – 1 Timothy 3

A Bishop is called by God and the Church to be a shepherd who feeds the flock entrusted to his care. A Bishop is an overseer of the flock and as such is called to propagate, to teach, and to uphold and defend the Faith and Order of the Church, willingly and as God directs. He must not be greedy for money but be eager to serve, not lording the authority of his office or position over those entrusted to his care. He must be a humble, wholesome example to the entire flock of Christ. By the tradition of Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, Bishops are consecrated for the whole Church and are successors of the Apostles through the grace of the Holy Spirit given to them. They are chief missionaries and chief pastors, guardians and teachers of doctrine, and administrators of godly discipline and governance.

Section 2. Of the Episcopate

It is appropriate in this Diocese to understand the “godly historic Episcopate” to be an “inherent part of the apostolic faith and practice,” as stated in the Fundamental Declarations of the Province and referenced in the Fundamental Declarations of the Diocese, in the sense in which the office of Bishop or overseer (episcope) has existed from the Apostles’ time and was instituted in the New Testament.

Section 3. Concerning Criteria for Bishops

To be a suitable candidate for Bishop, a person must:

  • Be a person of prayer and strong faith;

  • Be pious, have exemplary morals, and exhibit godly character;

  • Have a zeal for the salvation of and care for souls;

  • Have demonstrated evidence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit;

  • Possess the knowledge and gifts that equip him to fulfill the office;

  • Be held in high esteem by the faithful;

  • Be a male Presbyter at least 35 years old;

  • Have served as Rector of a congregation;

  • Have demonstrated the ability to lead and grow the Church; and

  • Have affirmed the Fundamental Declarations of the Diocese.

The Bishop We Seek

Bishop Guernsey has loved and led us well, and we have loved serving under his leadership. He has laid a strong and good foundation for this Diocese and framed its character prudently. We are forever grateful to God for +John’s sacrificial service among us and for us.

To further strengthen the foundations of the Diocese and lead it forward, our earnest prayer and desire is that our next bishop will:

  • Build on +John’s legacy, maintaining the particular commitments and distinct characteristics which have shaped the Diocese to date.

  • Possess an exceptional depth of godly character, prayer life, and knowledge of Scripture, handling rightly the word of truth.

  • Exhibit a palpable love of Christ and a zeal for his Gospel.

  • Exude a fervent heart for the Church, the people of God, and the shepherds of the flock.

  • Teach the Word faithfully and effectively, lead humbly, and listen attentively to the Holy Spirit and to those with whom he is speaking.

  • Exercise leadership with godly authority derived from a right relationship with the Lord, earnestly seeking Him for His strength and vision.

  • Assiduously uphold the Constitution and Canons of the Anglican Church in North America and this Diocese.

  • If married, be supported by his wife in a manner consistent with her gifts, calling, and vocation.

  • Wisely and graciously deal with conflict within the Church and among her people, ministering healing and reconciliation in relationships.

  • Be prepared to lead the Diocese in godly responses to cultural issues, including matters of racial/ethnic justice, human sexuality, and sexual misconduct.

  • Especially when visiting churches, embrace his role as chief encourager, pastor to the pastors, and joyful celebrant joining in the diverse styles of worship among the churches.

  • Genuinely support women as priests and deacons, willingly ordaining them, while modeling graciousness toward those who may disagree.

  • Maintain impeccable integrity and propriety regarding confidences, interpersonal relationships, and financial affairs.

  • Be an effective communicator and a capable administrator, utilizing the gifts of staff and other diocesan leaders.