Anglican Doma Anglican Doma

6 Spiritual Keys to Fundraising

There are 6 spiritual keys to your fund raising. Randy Alcorn describes the Christian’s ideal position on finances through six keys in his book The Treasure Principle.

There are 6 spiritual keys to your fund raising. Randy Alcorn describes the Christian’s ideal position on finances through six keys in his book The Treasure Principle.

Key 1: God owns everything. I’m his money manager. (We are the managers of the assets God has entrusted—not given—to us.)

Key 2: My heart always goes where I put God’s money. (Watch what happens when you reallocate your money from temporal things to eternal things.)

Key 3: Heaven, not earth, is my home. (We are citizens of “a better country, a heavenly one.” Hebrews 11:16)

Key 4: I should live not for the dot but for the line. (From the dot—our present life on earth—extends a line that goes on forever, which is eternity in heaven.)

Key 5: Giving is the only antidote to materialism. (Giving is the joyful surrender to a greater Person and a greater agenda. It dethrones me and exalts Him.)

Key 6: God prospers me not to raise my standard of living but to raise my standard of giving. (God gives us more money than we need so we can give—generously.)

Take advantage of the next scheduled People Raising Conference. Each conference is very interactive and is designed to have you ask your fund raising questions, learn from the insights of others and glean from the 40+ years of fund raising experience from Bill Dillon.

Go through the 6-hour People Raising training program, available in DVD, CD and MP3.

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Anglican Doma Anglican Doma

How You Can Plant & Add Both People and Money: 1-2-3

How You Can Plant & Add Both People and Money: 1-2-3

When I ask clergy and lay leaders to consider planting a church right now, I typically hear 3 objections: We’re too small; we can’t afford to lose anyone; and we don’t have enough money!  What if you learned that your church can plant, no matter your size, without losing, but instead adding both people and money? Would you be interested?

It’s true. Almost any church can help to plant another congregation. While some planting methods require giving away people and money, not all methods do. The Mother-Daughter “Hive-off” method, where a Mother Church sends families to a new location, typically results in a smaller Mother. When we planted Church of the Holy Spirit, we left Truro with 8 families. After 2 years, 4 families returned to Truro, so Truro “lost” net 4 families. (Some families who leave to plant would have left anyway, because pioneering people seek new challenges. Others will be attracted to your church because you planted!)

At CHS, we’re planting campuses of our church that, when grown, may become free-standing.  Last year, we sent two families to our Waterford location. I coach Graham Walker, and he participates in our peer learning sessions with other lay planters. CHS Waterford now adds 25 to our total Sunday attendance, and our income and net gospel clout has grown. Some of their tithes come to Leesburg, since we handle their administration.

In the 3 years since Archbishop Duncan called for 1000 new ACNA congregations in 5 years, we’ve planted about 300 congregations. That leaves 700 more to plant in 1 year. Is it possible? Yes, we believe the Call was from God, and that He will fulfill it.  How?

Our Bishops have endorsed the call “1-2-3”. Every congregation, large and small, is called to be a part of planting at least 1 new congregation in the next 2 years, using one of 3major strategies. The first way is Diocesan planting, as we recruited Steve Holt to plant in Baltimore last year. The second way is for a mother church to hive off a daughter congregation, as The Falls Church and Truro have.

The third way, the Pioneering Strategy, employs both lay and ordained leaders who are apprenticed to reach unreached groups.  This includes Church of the Holy Spirit’s campus model; Fresh Expressions missional outreaches to niche groups; and more.  Here in our Diocese, we are now training and coaching leaders how to do this.

We ask you to pray for (Luke 10:2) and seek out pioneers who desire to be apprenticed in planting. Is there a college close to you? Are there language groups in your area who can be reached?   Would you like a church planting intern or resident?  We can train you and your planters. Please contact me at Let’s walk alongside each other to fulfill the vision of 1000 new congregations in North America.

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