Letter from the Bishop: "Let us not neglect meeting together..."
Like many experiences of great stress in our lives, this coronavirus season will make us better Christians or worse ones, but it won’t leave us unaffected. We will either trust the Lord more or we will give fear a greater hold on our hearts. We will either press in to Jesus or we will drift further away. We will come to realize how much we need in-person Christian community or we will conclude we do just fine by tuning in occasionally online.
Seeking God/Finding Self
As God’s creation, we long to be loved and known by our Creator and those he’s given us to do life with. Because we live in a fractured world, this isn’t always easy. Oftentimes, we find ourselves going through life with broken hearts and broken images – of ourselves and God
Postscript to the "Big Game:" Pornography in America
In an age that leans increasingly strongly towards images and memes rather than rhetoric and words, more viewers will remember the bulk of the show rather than a smaller segment towards the end.