Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Using More than One Streaming Platform

Church of the Ascension in Kearneysville, WV has enjoyed really positive feedback and a great response from not only their parishioners but “visitors” to their online services and virtual prayer opportunities. The number of viewers is far exceeding the typical Sunday morning attendance. This is attributed most likely to parishioners inviting friends, families, and neighbors to participate online. Here are their regularly scheduled events:

Church of the Ascension live-streams morning prayer at 8:30 and evening prayer at 5, Monday thru Friday. www.facebook.com/ascensionwva 

We use Zoom for a mid week prayer meeting Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., and for other mid week groups: kids ministry, adult bible study, teen check-ins.

We’ve also been developing a YouTube database of sermons, Q/A, and other clips. We recently made it over 100 subscribers and have a designated url:  www.youtube.com/c/churchoftheascension

Offline, Ascension is working with local community organizations, such as Renewed Life Ministry, to provide necessities to those in need locally. Renewed Life focuses on young families and especially foster families.

The Rev. Darryl Fitzwater is is the planter and pastor at Ascension.