Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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The Ministry of Making Masks

Maskmaker, Maskmaker, Make Me a Mask  
By the Rev. Clancy Nixon Church of the Holy Spirit  Leesburg, Virginia 

This outreach was born as I thought about what the people of our congregation needed that we could provide for them. The CDC made it clear early on that if someone in their house got sick, they would need to wear masks at home to protect themselves, but masks are in short supply; and surgical masks and N95 masks are needed by health care workers. So we’d need to make them ourselves, and get them to people. Recently, THE CDC RECOMMENDS we use them whenever we venture outside where other people are nearby, so the need is even greater.  MASKMAKER, MASKMAKER recruits sewers, people with fabric and elastic, and local people with need for masks. We publish a pattern on our website, tips for sewing, and contact info so everyone can connect. Our church vestibule acts as a drop off and pick up point for masks, fabric (and for food). Now we are recruiting anyone—churches, individuals, neighbors, anyone at all—to help us make masks, and to receive masks. I’ve posted a Facebook ad inviting people to join us. This outreach is a three-way win: it’s a win for people needing cloth masks; a win for people at home with time, skills and a heart to serve—it’ s a great time to teach  your kids, (and adults) how to sew!—and for the church, as the world sees that we love them because God does.  For information, see our web page HTTPS://HOLYSPIRITLEESBURG.ORG/MASKMAKER-MASKMAKER/. You may contact Patricia Phillips, our Junior Warden and our Maskmaker Coordinator at PATRICIA@HOLYSPIRITLEESBURG.ORG.