Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Student Leadership Network

The Next Generation Leadership Initiative (NGLI) exists to assist dioceses and parishes in the work of developing the next generation of leaders, both lay and ordained. Our mission is to discover, develop, and deploy leaders and ministry resources for the Anglican Church in North America.

NGLI has five different networks, one of which is the Student Leadership Network (SLN). The vision of the Student Leadership Network is to see generations of students formed in Christ awakening churches, communities, and cultures. Find out more here.

In addition to the monthly calls, SLN leads the Champion Grant, which is all about giving financial support to student ministry champions. Here's the link for more information and the application.

Student Leadership Network (SLN) has a monthly gathering the second Monday of each month at 12 noon EST. The link to sign up for those calls ishere and that should also get you on the mailing list for more details.