Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Spiritual Formation Journey

"Have you felt a deep desire to cultivate a deeper intimacy with and love for God this season, as outbreaks and civil unrest rock our country?  Do you want to come to a richer understanding of how the beautiful tradition of our faith can speak and bring healing to the brokenness we see all around us?”

If this is you (or if this describes folks in your church), we invite you to explore the Coracle Fellowship in Baltimore, a 20-month Spiritual Formation journey starting this September!  Through the 12-retreat curriculum developed and led by Rev. Bill Haley, Fellows will get to drink deeply of an integrated Christianity so that they can be a redemptive presence in these polarized times.  Applications for the program close on August 15.

**The Fellowship Program will be offered both in-person and virtually, so even if you don't live anywhere near Baltimore, you are invited to join us!  You can read our COVID contingency plans HERE.**