Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Setting Tables of Welcome

by Cary Umhau

Breadcoin is a nonprofit that was birthed and founded by two members of St. Brendan’s in the City in DC. This seven-year-old organization is creating innovative local economies that expand food access with the dignity of choice. Using a food token that is funded by individuals and churches and other organizations, Breadcoin supplies coins to under-resourced nonprofits that are in relationship with those in need. They give the coins to hungry or food-insecure folks who then choose which local, participating restaurant to visit, at which they use the coins like a gift certificate. The restaurants receive full value for the coins and are also eligible for microloans, paid back in Breadcoins.

Believing deeply that the church should be setting tables of welcome in the community, foretastes of a heavenly banquet table, these St. Brendan’s members began putting on what they call “Flash Tables” ten years or so ago. These have become a hallmark of what Breadcoin does – setting welcoming tables on street corners that need a little love, with linens, china, cutlery, and a hosted table meal for anyone who walks by. Breadcoin vendors supply the food that waiters ferry to the guests. Part pop-up, part flash mob, these Flash Tables are creating a movement of common tables across the country.

Breadcoin has spread to four cities now (beyond DC to Baltimore; Harrisburg, PA and Tampa, FL).

Churches can join the network by giving $250/month to supply coins for those in proximity to hunger needs. Individuals can do the same for $25/month. This is particularly valuable to churches that aren’t in direct contact with the needs but that want a sensitive, culturally appropriate way to offer generosity. Folks are welcome to come join a Breadcoin Flash Table and see this act of neighbor-love in action. To learn more or join the work: www.breadcoin.org

Cary Umhau is the Co-founder and Executive Director of Breadcoin.