Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Matthew 25 Initiative Lent Offering

The Matthew 25 Initiative Offers 40 days of Anglican-shaped content for Lent about justice and mercy.

This Lent, the Matthew 25 Initiative (M25i) invites you to join them on a journey of normalizing Anglican Justice and Mercy by thoughtfully engaging the historic Christian season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The focus on almsgiving is not only that of giving from our resources, as the Church has done throughout her history. Almsgiving is also a giving of our lives.

Over the coming forty days of Lent, M25i will take their cue from the Good Samaritan who both saw a shared kinship in the vulnerable man and stopped traveling the path he was on in order to show the injured mercy. It begins with being able to see and understand, which is what we will be doing together: see, stop, show.

Each day of Lent you are invited to receive an inspiring, beautiful, and theologically-provoking reflection on Christ’s heart for his children living in poverty, in at-risk families, and as refugees and immigrants far from home. They have partnered with the Anglican Relief and Development Fund to provide a global perspective on how we relate to these issues in our parishes, cities, countries, and world.

Their aim is to provide you with a richness of resources for continued growth in how we all engage our neighbors with kingdom "lenses" that nudge us to "draw near" like Christ in our particular time and place.You can see what was provided in last year’s Lent here and subscribe for this year here. Last year during Lent they touched on all M25i ministry arenas - each vast and complex in its own way. This year they are focusing on topics that are often missed when not unpacked with care. They aim to highlight Anglican practitioner work that implements best practices alongside skilled justice and mercy literacy.

Some of the themes will be:

  • Contending for Shalom as Anglicans

  • North American Poverty Literacy

  • At Risk Families in Our Midst

  • Who are Our Modern Day Widows?

  • Legal Immigration Pathways & Refugee Care

  • At Risk Children Whom We Often Miss