Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Getting the Job Done: Five Talents Celebrates 25 Years of Ministry

By Sarah Herndon

Five Talents’ literacy, numeracy and business skills programs have supported more than 1.6 million community members worldwide – an accomplishment that is only possible because of our partnerships. A highlight of the evening’s festivities was an interview with one of those key partners–Claudette Kigeme. Claudette is the Mother’s Union Country Coordinator in Burundi where Five Talents largest and most impactful program serves. It is Claudette and the hundreds of Mother’s Union members Elizabeth praised in saying: “They get the job done.” Claudette shared ways she has seen firsthand how these programs have been particularly transformational for women in Burundi. “Because of the program they discover they have different gifts that sometimes they have underestimated.”

Since Five Talents partnership started in Burundi a decade ago, 90% of female program participants have started businesses, 96% of all participants can afford healthcare and 78% can afford higher education for their children. The literacy program is responsible for 2.9% of all literate adults in the country. That’s 144,000 people! Claudette also shared some of the spiritual impacts she has witnessed due to the faith in action pillar of the program. For example, many participants start reading the Bible when they become literate which leads to their increased attendance and participation in their local church. Attendees heard these inspiring impacts and more over the course of the evening, all of which are documented in an independent longitudinal study Five Talents and the Mother’s Union commissioned to look at the impacts of the program in Burundi over the past decade.

It was indeed a night of celebration for continued growth and a look ahead to expansion to new communities, new countries and helping thousands more women and men around the world. Five Talents is grateful for the ways you all and so many others have helped this ministry reach this incredible anniversary year!

To learn more about Five Talents, head to www.fivetalents.org

Sarah Herndon leads Church Engagement for Five Talents USA.