Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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October Frederick Anglican Fellowship

Frederick Anglican Fellowship
Update - October 3, 2023

Just over a year ago, Frederick Anglican Fellowship was an aspiration in the minds of a few lay people with a vision for an Anglican church in Frederick, Maryland. It was affirmed by Bishop John Guernsey and Canon Tuck Bartholomew, who advised us to prayerfully focus on building a community of people around the gospel of Jesus Christ, with lay leadership at the beginning.

On Sunday, October 1, we marked the anniversary of our very first monthly service in downtown Frederick. Father Charles Glantzberg kindly came to celebrate the Holy Eucharist with us, followed by a delicious brunch at a member’s home nearby. It’s a blessed milestone, even though we look forward to the day when we will have a priest/planter to lead us and the opportunity to grow into a more fully-formed church.

For now, we are continuing our pattern of meeting for worship together on the first Sunday of each month. On alternate months, we have lay-led Morning Prayer or invite a visiting priest to celebrate the Holy Eucharist with us.

Over the summer, we also had some “Sunday FunDay” events including barbecue picnics in the park and a game night evening (with breakfast-for-dinner).

This fall we are looking forward to a special way to mark All Saints Day, and something fun and meaningful for Advent, in addition to our services.

We have been blessed to be able to continue to meet for worship very inexpensively in downtown Frederick at the Federated Charities building. We set up our services and coffee hours in a conference room, bringing everything with us and then taking everything home. But we’ve also been exploring the possibility of worshipping on Sunday afternoons in a downtown church, which would simplify our service logistics and give us access to a piano as well as a larger and more beautiful worship place.

Please PRAY with us . . .

+ for wisdom as we consider alternatives for when and where to meet,

+ for the right priest to lead our church plant in accord with God’s timing (but soon, Lord willing),

+ in thanksgiving for the wonderful community of people who are part of Frederick Anglican Fellowship, and for the Lord to help us connect with new people,

+ and that we may continue to be faithful disciples who share the good news of Jesus Christ through our words and deeds in Frederick.