Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Faith, Hope, and Love In The Lord of the Rings

Many have read The Lord of the Rings, the finely crafted fantasy novel about wizards, elves, orcs and, of course, hobbits. Not everyone is aware, however, of how the author's, J.R.R. Tolkien, deep Christian faith is woven into the story he tells.

The Rev. Dr. Joel Scandrett, associate professor of historical theology at Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA, will be visiting Epiphany on January 21-22 to encourage us to take a new look at Tolkien’s work.  We will do it particularly to see how the great theological virtues of faith, hope and love guide the story Tolkien tells.

The event starts at 9 a.m. on January 21.  Joel will offer two sessions in the morning.  We will eat a simple lunch together and, after a final session in the afternoon, wrap up our time around 2:30 p.m.