Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Equip!2020 - Being the Church in a Digital World

We are rolling out a new format for Equip!

Rather than having a Friday afternoon session physically together at All Saints’, we’re going virtual this year. Here’s how it will work:

  • We’ll post a video on our website and ask you to watch it whenever it’s convenient. The video will be a short talk from a practitioner who will “frame the conversation” for us, talking about some aspect of what it takes to survive and thrive the digital shift we’re all having to make.

  • Then, after the video has been available for a week, we’ll host a one-hour Zoom call for all those who want to join discussing the ideas presented in the video. We’ll have a Q & A with members of the Great Commission Committee and we’ll share with one another the stresses, challenges, and successes we’re experiencing as we make the shift to doing our mission and ministry both digitally and in person.

Because we’re unsure how effective this format will be, we’re planning to do one session in early November as a pilot. If it goes well and we sense God’s leading to continue, we’ll plan some more sessions on a monthly or every other month basis into the new year. The additional sessions would continue the theme of how to be the Church in the digital world in which we're living. The Great Commission Committee and I will be in touch with you after Synod to hear your ideas and decide which topics would be the most relevant to you.  
Please mark your calendar for November 12 at 7 p.m. for our first Equip! session, “Surviving the Digital Shift.” The video will be posted a week in advance, so you’ll have time to view it. We look forward to trying this new format with you and hope that it will scratch the itch for us as we discern how best to "Be the Church in the Digital World."