Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Church of the Ascension Celebrates Five Years!

On Palm Sunday 2018, Church of the Ascension publicly started in Charles Washington Hall in Charles Town, WV. This Palm Sunday weekend, the parish marked a milestone five-year anniversary, meeting again for Confirmations and smoked BBQ! Many members of the parish and several clergy from across the Diocese gathered to mark the event. Bishop Chris and Catherine Warner were present for both the anniversary celebration and Palm Sunday services. 

In these first five years, the grace of God has brought new life through Baptism, nourished souls in the Eucharist, healed physical bodies, cast out demons, restored marriages, cared for people in material need, commissioned new ministers and ministries, aided in foreign missions work, and built ecumenical relations across the larger Appalachian region with other Anglicans, Roman Catholics, and charismatics.  

The Lord has called ten women in the parish into Daughters of the Holy Cross, establishing a local chapter called Daughters of the Ascension. The Lord has seen fit that the Rev. Mike Koppola be ordained a priest and sent to plant Christ the Redeemer in Dillsburg, PA. Others have begun the journey toward vocational ministries, discerning calls including foreign missions and pastoral leadership. Two have completed their Masters of Divinity, and another is set to begin this fall. 

Jesus has been so utterly faithful, sounding a virtual echo across the mountains and through the "hollers" with the Appalachian Anglican Podcast. Through this weekly teaching, people have come to Christ and developed a thirst for historically-informed discipleship. It has also served as a catalyst to bring individuals and congregations into the Anglican Way. 

The congregation and leadership at Ascension want to extend a very hearty thanks to all those who have helped in prayer, support, and fellowship. The church has purchased 20 acres of property and is in the process of building a campusbuilding a campus for worshipfor worship, outreach, fellowship, and education. We very much covet your prayers. "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him" (2 Chr. 16:9). As our Lord's eyes of fire seek those to whom He may display God's power, pray that the heart of Ascension might be "perfect toward him" so His glory shines bright in eastern West Virginia.