Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Bless Your Block

Redeemer Anglican in Richmond, VA launched a new initiative to help the church proactively care for their neighbors. Watch this video to learn more about Bless Your Block from Redeemer's Justice and Mercy Coordinator, Teryn Morgan, or view this PDF for an overview of Bless Your Block.

Here is a recent spotlight: The Ciscos

"Our family signed up to be volunteers for Bellevue Mutual Aid, a neighborhood group in the Northside that is providing practical assistance and supplies to nearby residents in need. Bellevue Mutual Aid has broken down the neighborhood into four sections, each with 'Block Captains" to oversee their street. They run supply drives, take requests from neighbors who have various needs, and assign each need to the closest volunteer in the neighborhood. Our family has volunteered to be on standby, donate supplies, and attend weekly administrative Zoom calls. We have only recently joined, but in that time we have already met many active and compassionate people in our neighborhood. Seeing people rise to the challenge quickly and efficiently to volunteer their time and specific skills to love their neighbor has been deeply encouraging to our family and we are excited to serve! To learn more about what Bellevue Mutual Aid is doing, visit the Facebook page under the same name."

Thanks for sharing how you and your family are loving your neighbors, Sam, Casey, Clark and Miles! Visit the Redeemer Anglican website for future spotlights!