Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Bibles and More

by Michael Koppola

I wish you could have been there. I wish you could have seen the expression on their faces. 

This summer Christ the Redeemer in Dillsburg, PA (CTR) was privileged to be at local events to give away Bibles and Bible sticker/coloring books. After receiving free face painting, a young girl in the sixth grade came to the table and spotted a Bible. She longingly looked at it but timidly left without taking the free Bible. Then in a flash, she came back, grabbed the Bible, and hugged it as she walked away. She had a smile so big it looked like she won the lotto! Her face glowed!  At these two events alone, we gave away almost 100 Bible sticker/coloring books and had around 100 people come to our table. We talked to, prayed with, and made many connections with our neighbors. 

At another public event, CTR was blessed again to be giving away more "freebies.” A woman approached the table. When we explained to her that we had Bibles, including Spanish Bibles, she stopped in her tracks. She said, "You have Spanish Bibles?" "Yes," we told her, "and you can have as many as you want." We had three on the table and she asked if she could have four! We gave her the Bibles and watched her walk across the parking lot to give them to her older children. Grinning from ear to ear and glowing joyfully, she explained in Spanish the great gift they were getting. 

Friends, this all happened because of your love and support. You see, the Bibles were donated to CTR to give away from one of our Diocesan churches (we gave nine Bibles away in total). Your prayers open effectual doors for the gospel and our Father sends us to go. Your generosity empowers us to be on a mission in South Central, PA! I wish you could see my face now. I am almost in tears as I remember the goodness of God. May these words invoke a smile within you. Let us join hands in the gospel work and see His Kingdom come throughout our Diocese!

The Rev. Michael Koppola is the Vicar at Christ the Redeemer in Dillsburg, PA.

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