Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Anglican Bishop: Don’t Get Comfortable as Court Revisits Roe

by Jeffrey Walton

Anglicans Christians praying to uphold the sanctity of human life and for an end to abortion can be encouraged by recent legislative and judicial developments, but shouldn’t grow comfortable, according to a bishop of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).

“I’m comfortable with how close we are getting, if God so wills, to redirect and correct what was done in Roe v Wade,” shared Bishop Clark Lowenfield of the Houston, Texas-based Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast. “I learned a long time ago that I need to be wary when I become comfortable.”

Read the entire article on Juicy Ecumenicism, Institute on Religion & Democracy here.

The entire worship service is viewable here via the Anglicans for Life YouTube channel.

Jeff Walton is Communications Manager and Anglican Program Director for the Institute on Religion & Democracy. He is a member of The Falls Church Anglican in Falls Church, VA. This article is from Juicy Ecumenicism, The Institute on Religion & Democracy's Blog.