Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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A Cool Way to Encourage Kids to Read the Bible

by Anna Hornbuckle

"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" - Psalm 119:103

For the month of August, I issued a fun Bible Challenge to our Sunday School group: 

Read one chapter from the book of Matthew each day, and win a gift certificate to Sweet Frog [frozen yogurt]!

Nine children, grades 1-7, took on the challenge. Teaching and nurturing a love for God and His Word is the top priority in our Children’s Ministry at Church of the Word Anglican in Gainesville, VA. 

It is a beautiful thing to see our children growing in their knowledge of the Bible, and especially in their love and faith toward God Himself.  They are very excited for our next Challenge!

Anna Hornbuckle is the Children’s Ministry Director at Church of the Word Anglican in Gainesville, VA.